The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry


Volume 14, Number 4


pp. 83-84 PDF

The problem of contaminated aircraft cabin air

I. Engineering Aspects

A description of the types of high speed rotary shaft seals in gas turbine engines and the implications for cabin air quality
R.K. Flitney pp. 85–89 Abstract

Routine mechanical causes of aircraft air supply contamination
G.A. Davidson pp. 90–93 Abstract

Air quality monitoring for the International Space Station applicable to aircraft cabins and cockpits
A. Honne, H. Schumann-Olsen, K. Kaspersen, H. Mosebach and D. Kampf pp. 94–102 Abstract

II. Health Aspects

Respiratory symptoms and lung injury after inhaling fumes on aircraft: toxic fumes or hyperventilation?
J. Burdon pp. 103–106 Abstract

Delayed cognitive impairment and pilot incapacitation following contaminated air inhalation
L.W. Coxon pp. 107–110 Abstract

SPECT evaluation of possible organophosphate exposure
T. Earnest pp. 111–112 Abstract

Is there such a thing as aerotoxic syndrome?
J.J. Ramsden pp. 113–116 Abstract

III. Synthesis

Fumes in the aircraft cabin or cockpit: what air treatment technologies are available?
K. Bull pp. 117–121 Abstract

A counterpoint to key misperceptions about exposure to aviation engine oil and hydraulic fluid fumes
J. Anderson pp. 122–132 Abstract

Is it time to act?
S. Michaelis pp. 133–135 Abstract

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